About Me - Quem sou eu

Welcome to the definitive blog of live webcams, arrangement by Flavio Nelson Cassiano Costa. I live in Olinda City, Pernambuco - Brazil.
Bem-vindos ao definitivo blog de câmeras ao vivo, organizado por Flavio Nelson Cassiano Costa.Moro em Olinda, Pernambuco - Brasil.
email and MSN: flavionelson@hotmail.com

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Saint Lucia - dp

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Saint Lucia - Rodney Bay - axis streaming cam

Camera 2

St. Lucia is the sort of island that travellers to the Caribbean dream about--a small, lush tropical gem that is still relatively unknown. One of the Windward Islands of the Lesser Antilles, it is located midway down the Eastern Caribbean chain, between Martinique and St. Vincent, and north of Barbados. St. Lucia is only 27 miles long and 14 miles wide, with a shape that is said to resemble either a mango or an avocado (depending on your taste). The Atlantic Ocean kisses its eastern shore, while the beaches of the west coast owe their beauty to the calm Caribbean Sea.

Santa Lúcia é um país insular das Pequenas Antilhas, no Caribe, com fronteiras marítimas com a Martinica, a norte, e São Vicente e Granadinas, a sudoeste. É também um dos países mais próximos de Barbados e sua capital é Castries.

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